July 27, 2006


i came back because i was interested in doing a page or 2 for a freind that sent some baby pics of thier baby eating ceral for the first time, and found someone added themselves as a fan of mine!! i feel honored. 2 pages in and already i have a fan, i feel like a designer with a dream, pumping the idea out, hoping the world accepts the "idea"

im thinking this is really a neat program.

i have come across a slight glitch tho, when i download, it goes to anywhere but IN the place its supposed to, and where it ends up, wont let me access it as a viable download.

ill figure it out i guess.

posted by nativity4me @ Jul 27, 2006 | 2 comments | |
July 26, 2006


well, i have downloaded yet ANOTHER digital scrapbook program, in the attmepts to be able to create "life pages" of events that occur in my life and the lives of my family.

today i had some free time between emails and posts to my yahoo group (LDS_Christianchat25_and_friends) i took the time to see what this program does.
i have had it downloaded for a while now, like a week i guess. not too excited about trying it out (to be honest) i have had troubles with OTHER programs doing what i wanted them to do.
well, i took the plunge today and decided, try it out, if ya dont like it you can alsways file it away with the others.
the theme was already decided by myself:


well, i have to give THIS company its KUDOS, it has been the EASIEST and most fullfilling of all the others i have tried.
simple access to other pages, adding embelishments, and text was abreeze.

im so ecited i came to the webpage to check it out and possibly download some more free stuff as well.


posted by nativity4me @ Jul 26, 2006 | 1 comments | |
a scrapbook blog about the pages i make with this SCRAPBOOK FLAIR program
Created: Jul 26, 2006

December, 2006
November, 2006
July, 2006
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